Striving for excellence
Strategic organisational development, as well as the training and education of our healthcare clowns and office staff are crucial components required for the healthy growth and adaptability of the RED NOSES group.
The RED NOSES Headquarter (RNI) ensures the implementation of the vision, mission and strategy of the group, by continuously facilitating several capacity building activities throughout the year. Fostering leadership potential, know-how exchange, quality monitoring as well as training for fundraising and communication staff, we guarantee that our beneficiaries receive our services in the highest excellence possible.
Humour Workshops
RED NOSES Clowndoctors International is using an integrated and sustainable approach that not only focuses on children, but also seeks to support medical staff and aid workers in their daily work with tailor-made workshops for each target group. Humour has the potential to create a powerful emotional connection between people, enhancing and stimulating social interactions. Humour also plays a vital role in reducing stress and anxiety, and in fostering a better working environment. By sharing knowledge on how humour helps, professionals in the field can find new ways of connecting with beneficiaries, especially in very stressful and tense situations. On the one hand this extends the impact of the RED NOSES work for the beneficiaries, on the other hand the medical personnel and aid workers can use the newly-acquired tools to improve their own psychosocial well-being and resilience in the face of a very stressful and burdening work environment.

RED NOSES International Curriculum
RED NOSES International (RNI) is constantly improving its high artistic quality standards for its artists. In order to achieve this, the RED NOSES Curriculum (which has been installed in 2015) has been revised and changed according to the needs of the group by a group of experts. With this solid and uniformed curriculum, the RED NOSES group seeks to ensure artistic quality by providing the best possible training and education for its clowndoctors.
The curriculum is obligatory for all RED NOSES partner organisations; therefore all clowns are required to complete the certification process. To obtain the “RED NOSES International Certificate”, the applicant is required to complete all curriculum units. It is not mandatory to complete the units in order. The entire curriculum comprises a total of about 560 hours. For the curriculum in detail please use the attached PDF.
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