(NL/9642155406) Penzberg, 5th.of september.2012 The improved and affordable solutions dropRGB 2.0 and CMYKick 2.0, of the industrial-wide technological market-leader in color management and color workflow solutions basICColor GmbH instantly facilitates the creation of high-sophisticated printing profiles for starters in color management. These profiles now can be done automatically and easily via “drag and drop”. The data must be drawn only on the relevant program icon of either CMYKick 2.0 or dropRGB 2.0 to start their processing of them quickly and precisely. As soon as both programs are installed, the freely bundled software module basICColor catch decides about the forwarding of the aquired data to one of the two program packages: RGB data to dropRGB; measurements with CMYK color gamut to CMYKick.
Precise ICC profiles are crucial to ensure the high quality of photos from the beginning to the perfect print-out. Ambitious users such as photographers, fine-art-printers, pre-productioneers or even home users, which enlarge their photos to “oil paintings” on canvas, need solutions that delivers these requirements quickly, easily and comfortably. “DropRGB 2.0 and CMYKick 2.0 meet precisely these requirements and put automatically this workflow into high-quality,” Karl Koch, CEO of basICColor GmbH, explains.
Both programs had been particular developed for users, who do not want to deal with the extensive range of technical variables of printer profiling, “… but cannot merely neglect to have highquality printer profiles ” said Koch. “Therefore dropRGB 2.0 and CMYKick 2.0 could be controlled automatically and intuitively with<drag-and-drop> “.
Data files, which had been measured by any spectrophotometer, could create a profile by only “dragging and dropping” them on the particular program icon. In the case that basICColor catch is used for all kinds of measurement, the measured values are sent automatically. basICColor catch is using intelligent algorithms to steer the two profilers: Values of RGB to dropRGB, those of CMYK to CMYKick.
As far as the input data are not valid enough to receive an optimal profile, the check box “optimize data” could correct erroneous measurements and smoothes them. Additionally CMYKick 2.0 automatically calculates the maximum inking application.
“It is not necessary to be a print expert to create optimal printer profiles. dropRGB 2.0 and CMYKick 2.0 are the perfect synthesis of comfort and quality, “says Koch. The ideal solutions for beginners or users to whom a wide range of functionality is not necessary, but quality and price.”
basICColor dropRGB 2 is now available at a price of 357, – incl VAT and basICColor CMYKick 2 for 714, – including VAT. Both programs support Mac OS X and Windows. Upgrades from previous versions are available.
A free license for basICColor catch priced with 238,- incl VAT is attached to both programs.
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basICColor GmbH
Karl Koch
Maistraße 18
82377 Penzberg
E-Mail: kk@basiccolor.de
Homepage: http://shortpr.com/e1p5z5
Telefon: 498856932505
basICColor GmbH
Karl Koch
Maistraße 18
82377 Penzberg
E-Mail: kk@basiccolor.de
Homepage: http://
Telefon: 498856932505