Global Executive MBA of HHL and EADA ranked among the Top 15 worldwide

Global Executive MBA of HHL and EADA ranked among the Top 15 worldwide

The ranking published by Ivy Exec (November 2016) attests to the top results of the Global…

Global Climate Treaty. “Working Together Will Make the Difference”

Global Climate Treaty. “Working Together Will Make the Difference”

Last Saturday (Dec. 12, 2015) the international community of nations agreed to a ground-breaking global climate…

Studying Internationally – Diversity as the Key to Success

Part-time MBA programs and the Executive MBA programs in particular include study abroad periods. Olga Pantchenko,…

Full-Time, Part-Time or Online? Which Type of MBA Program Suits me Best?

Graduates with Bachelor’s degrees and people who have been working in a company for several years…

Schnuppervorlesungen und Stipendien des Global-Executive-MBA-Programms der HHL und der EADA

Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und die EADA Business School laden Interessenten zu offenen…

Studieren in der Stadt, die “den Rest der Republik abhängt”. Jetzt für Masterprogramme der HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management bewerben

Erst vor wenigen Tagen konstatierte die Tageszeitung “Die Welt”, dass Leipzig mittlerweile “den Rest der Bundesrepublik…

Manager-Weiterbildung “Develop the Leader in You”

Mit dem Slogan “Develop the Leader in You!” startet die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management…

Training Managers. “Our Global Executive MBA Program Is in Line with the Latest Trends”

Great joy for the students of the second class of the Global Executive MBA Program (GEMBA)…

3. Juli 2014: Die HHL bei IBM in Hamburg: Themenabend “Diversität im Top-Management

Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management lädt alle HHL-Alumni und -Studenten, Interessierte und potentielle zukünftige…

Juni und Juli 2014: Online das Global-Executive-MBA-Programm von HHL und EADA kennenlernen

Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und die EADA Business School laden Interessenten am 4.…

New Class of the Global Executive MBA Program of HHL and EADA with Personal Coaching for Managers Starts

The “Leading Self and Teams course provided the participants with first insight into the executive coaching…

Neuer Jahrgang des Global Executive MBA Programms der HHL und der EADA mit persönlichem Coaching für Manager gestartet

Mit Studenten aus Brasilien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Indonesien, Polen, Spanien und der Türkei bilden die zweite Klasse…

24. Juli 2013: Online das Global-Executive-MBA-Programm von HHL und EADA kennenlernen

Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und die EADA Business School laden Interessenten am 24.…

Open Lectures in the Global Executive MBA Program of HHL and EADA

HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and EADA Business School invite interested parties to attend the…

Mai und September 2013: Offene Vorlesungen im Global-Executive- MBA-Programm von HHL und EADA

Die HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management und die EADA Business School laden Interessenten zur offenen…