(Mynewsdesk) GAF AG, Germany and its partner Sofreco, France, are pleased to announce the awarding of…
Schlagwort: gaf
bavAIRia and partners start the obsAIRveYourBusiness project
(Mynewsdesk) Munich, September 18th, 2014 obsAIRveYourBusiness will provide a customer-specific service for cities and regions by…
Putting the Space into Logistics
(Mynewsdesk) Munich, September 17th 2014 Providers of logistics services face a lot of challenges: fierce competition,…
Putting the Space into Logistics
(Mynewsdesk) Munich, September 17th 2014 Providers of logistics services face a lot of challenges: fierce competition,…
GAF AG and partners contracted to map European Riparian Zones
(Mynewsdesk) Munich, September 16th 2014 A European consortium headed by GAF AG has been contracted by…