Just like business administration as a whole, the subtopic of change management developed in an equally dynamic manner. The vast number of theoretical approaches and practical concepts are not only difficult to keep track of but also have no advantageous empirical relation as not even every third change project is crowned with success. Despite the different nature of the existing philosophies and paradigms as well as the suggested solutions and concepts, most people seem to agree on one thing: the increasing velocity of change.
“Management of Permanent Change” is the title and topic of a new book edited by Professors Horst Albach, Heribert Meffert, Andreas Pinkwart and Ralf Reichwald, all of them serving as Academic Directors of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management. It represents the first integrated examination of permanent change from an academic and practical point of view. The book obtains its relevance from the informational revolution. That revolution strongly accelerated technological and social progress over the last few decades. As a direct consequence, innovation and complexity management as well as the best possible shaping of change in companies have developed into a dynamic field of research with high relevance for management in practice.
The interdisciplinary collection of contributions from economic and legal scientists deals with new requirements, concepts and strategies of change as well as the influence of open innovation on permanent change in companies. The book also discusses the opportunities and limits of permanent change with special consideration of the employees as well as the influence of regulation on companies. Using specific case studies, the molding of permanent change is explained at the end of the book. It also touches on new consulting concepts for change management as well as questions of brand management.
Prof. Dr. Heribert Meffert comments on behalf of the editors, “Conventional concepts of ‘planned organizational change’ are no longer enough to deal with current problems and must be developed further considering the aspect of permanent change. In this context, the book edited by HHL’s Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) takes into account the latest research approaches and their implementation in business practice, providing valuable insight into permanent change management.”
The book, issued by Springer Gabler Verlag publishing house, addresses experts and executives in companies in addition to students and lecturers of business administration and especially marketing.
Albach, H., Meffert, H., Pinkwart, A., Reichwald, R. (editors)
Management of Permanent Change
Springer Gabler 2015, X, 240 pages, 37 figures
ISBN: 978-3-658-05013-9
About the Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
The Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CASiM) is an interdisciplinary research center for business administration in the 21st century established at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management in 2012. CASiM brings together the expertise of all departments of HHL to conduct research in the following four areas of business administration: “The role of trust in firms and with their stakeholders”, “Change management in firms and markets”, “Healthcare economics” and “Urban dynamics: cities and firms in global competition” Besides its research activities, CASiM also offers a transdisciplinary and international platform for the development of business administration with regard to the great challenges implied by globalization, technological development, environmental and demographic dynamics. With this platform, facilitated by annual CASiM Conferences, the center provides a forum for the interdisciplinary dialog involving other academic disciplines and practitioners. In 2013, the CASiM Graduate School started its operations with the enrollment of the first two outstanding young researchers who work on their doctoral projects under the guidance of internationally renowned researchers of the Executive Board of CASiM and from the HHL faculty. http://www.hhl.de/casim
About HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
HHL is a university-level institution and ranks amongst the leading international business schools. The goal of the oldest business school in German-speaking Europe is to educate effective, responsible and entrepreneurially-minded leaders. In addition to HHL’s international focus, the combination of theory and practice plays a key role. HHL stands out for its excellent teaching, its clear research focus, its effective knowledge transfer into practice as well as its outstanding student services. http://www.hhl.de
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Volker Stößel
Jahnallee 59
04109 Leipzig
E-Mail: volker.stoessel@hhl.de
Homepage: http://www.hhl.de
Telefon: 0341-9851-614