Hertz Flavors – An introduction to cigarette design

Hertz Flavors - An introduction to cigarette design While the earliest forms of cigarettes contained only one kind of tobacco, for instance in Europe, nowadays cigarettes are made of different kinds of tobaccos. The most common are Virginia, Burley, Oriental tobaccos.

Virginia Tobacco is a bright, flue-cured tobacco with fruity, aromatic taste and mid nicotine content whereas Burley is a dark, air-cured tobacco tasting like cocoa and chocolate and high nicotine content. The oriental tobacco is spicy with low nicotine content. A popular tobacco blend is the widely known “American Blend” with an approximate ratio of 60 parts Virginia, 30 parts Burley and up to 10 parts Oriental plus other tobacco derivative products.

Next to the tobacco blends, aromatic additives play a big role in today’s cigarette design to improve the taste profile of the product. Casings, Flavours, Enhancers, Modifiers and other aromatic ingredients are used to adapt the taste profile to local preferences and to provide a distinctive taste for the different cigarette brands.

Hertz Flavors is an independent, privately owned company located near Hamburg, Germany. Dedicated to the tobacco industry, Hertz Flavors has established itself as a leading, premium brand for unique flavours for various applications. Our striving for excellence and customer satisfaction with the help of our extensive flavour expertise and market knowledge results in flavours that make the difference. More Information about our company HERTZ FLAVORS GMBH & CO. KG

Philipp Hertz
Scholtzstraße 4

21465 Reinbek – Hamburg

E-Mail: info@hertzflavors.de
Homepage: http://hertz-flavors.com/
Telefon: +49 40 7 27 60 8-0

Philipp Hertz
Scholtzstraße 4

21465 Reinbek – Hamburg

E-Mail: philipp.hertz@hertzflavors.de
Homepage: http://hertz-flavors.com/
Telefon: +49 40 7 27 60 8-0